Smartha Mitra 5 :- Smartha Mitra for Smartha (Purohitha) Pundits. To Help & Serve all Students of Sri Krishna Yajurveda Smartha Praoyoga of Aapastamba, Bodhayana & Satya Sahadha Sutra Students.
Included Vaidika Samagri List's (Telugu) Included (Ganapathi Homa, Sudarshana Homa, Aayushya Homa, Nakshatra Santhi, Navagraha Santhi, Rudra Homa, Chandi Homa, Manyu Homa etc......).
Included Smartha E_Books in Telugu for Smartha Students. (Aapastamba Panchadasa Samskara, Mahanyasa, Rudram, Shatpatra, Chatushpatra, Jayadi Homa, Pancha Suktha, Saptha Paka Yagna, Devatha Kalyana Vidhi, Aabdika Prayoga etc...............
Included Visesha Devatah beeja Mantra's with Nyasa Kramam(Ganapathi, Chandi, Nava Graha, Karthaveerya, Datta, Sudarshana Mantra, Sudrashana Mala Mantra, Hayagriva Mantra, Lakshmi Mantra, Matsya Yantra, Kubera, Dakshina Murthy, Nrusimha Mantra's etc.....
Smartha Sampradaya (Smartha Tradition, as it is termed in Sanskrit) is a liberal or non-sectarian denomination of the Vedic Hindu religion which accepts all the major Hindu deities as forms of the one Brahman, in contrast to Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism, the other three major Hindu sects, which revere Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti, respectively, as the Supreme Being.
Most Vedic rituals consist of Homa - fire sacrifices of elaborate and intrinsic designs and complex methodology, accompanied by recitation of Vedas by qualified Priests in honor of a particular Demigod or God (i.e. aspect of divinity), fire offerings of various ingredients, gifts to be given in charity, presence of elders for blessings, amidst sanctified sacrificial grounds, sacred herbs and good omens. Each important milestone of a Human life is to be celebrated by undertaking a particular Samskara wherein the significance of that milestone is ritualistically conveyed.
SMARTHA MITRA under the stewardship of “Smartha Bhattaraka” Kesapragada Phanindra Rajasekhara Sarma who has the distinction in Smartha Aarsha Vidya during his all the eight years course from Sri S V V S Pathasaala, Keesaragutta, run and administered by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirupati , as the disciple of Brahmasri. Marthi Venkatrama Sarma. He has obtained basic knowledge and principles in Smartha since his boy hood days under the guidance of his father Brahmasri. Kesapragada HariharanadhaSarma, who is an established and highly reputed consultant for “ASTROLOGY-MUHURTHA-SMATHA & VAASTU”, related issues for more than 4 decades.
Smartha Mitra 5: - Smartha Mitra pour les pandits de Smartha (Purohitha). Aider et servir tous les étudiants de Sri Krishna Yajurveda Smartha Praoyoga des étudiants d'Aapastamba, Bodhayana et Satya Sahadha Sutra.
Liste de Vaidika Samagri incluse (Telugu) Inclus (Ganapathi Homa, Sudarshana Homa, Aayushya Homa, Nakshatra Santhi, Navagraha Santhi, Rudra Homa, Chandi Homa, Manyu Homa, etc.).
Smartha E_Books inclus dans Telugu pour les étudiants Smartha. (Aapastamba Panchadasa Samskara, Mahanyasa, Rudram, Shatpatra, Chatushpatra, Jayadi Homa, Pancha Suktha, Saptha Paka Yagna, Devatha Kalyana Vidhi, Aabdika Prayoga, etc ...............
Visesha Devatah beeja Mantra inclus avec Nyasa Kramam (Ganapathi, Chandi, Nava Graha, Karthaveerya, Datta, Sudarshana Mantra, Sudrashana Mala Mantra, Hayagriva Mantra, Lakshmi Mantra, Matsya Yantra, Koubera, Dakshura Morah)
Smartha Sampradaya (tradition Smartha, comme on l'appelle en sanscrit) est une dénomination libérale ou non sectaire de la religion hindoue védique qui accepte toutes les principales divinités hindoues comme des formes du seul brahman, par opposition au vaishnavisme, au shaivisme et au shaktisme. les trois autres principales sectes hindoues, qui vénèrent Vishnu, Shiva et Shakti, respectivement, en tant qu'Être suprême.
La plupart des rituels védiques consistent en Homa - sacrifices au feu de conceptions élaborées et intrinsèques et à une méthodologie complexe, accompagnés de la récitation de Vedas par des prêtres qualifiés en l'honneur d'un Demigod ou d'un dieu particulier (aspect de la divinité), des offrandes d'incendie de divers ingrédients, donnée dans la charité, présence d'anciens pour les bénédictions, au milieu de terrains de sacrifice sanctifiés, d'herbes sacrées et de bons présages. Chaque étape importante d'une vie humaine doit être célébrée en entreprenant un Samskara particulier dans lequel l'importance de cette étape est transmise de manière ritualiste.
SMARTHA MITRA sous la direction de «Smartha Bhattaraka» Kesapragada Phanindra Rajasekhara Sarma, qui a obtenu la distinction dans Smartha Aarsha Vidya pendant ses huit années de formation à la SVSV Pathasaala, Keesaragutta, dirigée et administrée par Tirumala Tirupati, Devasthanams, Tir Brahmasri. Marthi Venkatrama Sarma. Il a acquis les connaissances de base et les principes de Smartha depuis son enfance sous la direction de son père Brahmasri. Kesapragada HariharanadhaSarma, consultante établie et réputée pour «ASTROLOGIE-MUHURTHA-SMATHA & VAASTU», questions liées depuis plus de 4 décennies.